Friday, November 18, 2011

Delivery Men

So I got new dishwasher today! When it got delivered I met the two most personable men I've ever met.

Heavy guy: "We got a dishwasher delivery."
Me: 'Uuum yeah.'
Heavy guy: "Here's your install packet. We'll bring it in."

No smile, no introduction. Nada.

So they come back to the door with my dishwasher.  Here's the thing the guy handing me the 1 lb installation packet was probably 300lbs, just stood and watched the other guy pushing the machine in. The guy hauling the dishwasher weighed about 90 lb.  What is wrong with this picture. 

Heavy guy: "Sign here."  Hands me the packet without pointing to any specific part.
Me: 'Here?' randomly pointing to a spot
Heavy guy: "Yeah."
I sign, "Marilyn Monroe"....he never looks to see if I actually wrote anything.

So if Humpty Dumpty and Twig Boy show up and say "Washer. Stove. New car." Say yes and sign away.  They don't care or are checking names.  Dang, I should have said I also ordered a frig.  Oh well.

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